Before any of the tech jargon, design chops, or programming skills related to making a website come into play, your site has to take shape as a solid idea. Having a clear understanding of your site’s mission will help inform your design, content, and structural choices later on, so step one is to get that mission nailed down. So, is the website for a business hoping to connect with customers online and alert them to upcoming events and sales? Is it a fansite for a TV show looking to provide a forum for members of a fan community? Is it…

Aenean non augue aliquam, bibendum nisl sed, finibus magna. Vestibulum commodo quam et odio malesuada, nec sollicitudin magna tincidunt. Nullam nec nisl tellus. Fusce eget sapien mauris. Ut diam arcu, commodo in sodales venenatis, scelerisque ullamcorper urna. Morbi ullamcorper risus at nisi auctor, vel posuere odio mollis. Duis porta nunc at sem vehicula rutrum. Aliquam fermentum nibh et nunc volutpat, ac viverra nunc porttitor. Fusce posuere ex id viverra venenatis. Aliquam ut elit nec odio pulvinar suscipit. Nullam ut mauris turpis. Ut tincidunt rhoncus pharetra. Fusce odio lectus, aliquam vel dolor vel, tempus elementum tortor. Maecenas dolor dolor, blandit sed…